Join us for an insightful evening on the transformative concept of Character and Enterprise Education.

Inspiring hope in our young people, our future leaders and the foundation of our communities, has never been more vital. In today’s rapidly changing world, our youth need more than just knowledge; they need personal growth, global awareness, and the skills to contribute meaningfully to society.

Faced with uncertainty, young people must grapple with profound questions: What does it mean to be human? What is the common good? What is true, beautiful, and worthy of pursuit? These aren’t just academic inquiries but essential reflections that shape their lives and impact on the world.

Our Year 10 Character and Enterprise initiative is an attempt to address these critical questions and build student capacity. This unique initiative intentionally cultivates character, empowering students to flourish personally while contributing positively to society. It aims to equip them with skills to generate and apply ideas, solve problems, think critically, and collaborate effectively towards common goals.

During this evening our Character and Enterprise Education program will be introduced, reason for implementation outlined and why the focus on Year 10 is necessary. The current program will also be unpackaged along with feedback from various stakeholders.


  • Phillip Heath AM, Head of Barker College
  • Peter Gibson, Dean of Character Education
  • Rachel Golding, Business Owner/Operator, Dinner on the Table
  • Student panel

Who should attend?

Parents, teachers and students interested in understanding and learning more about this program and eager to learn about how to develop both character and the skills to make a difference in the future. Parents of students currently (or soon to be) in Year 10 at Barker may be particularly interested as it is the Year 10 cohort that participates in a particularly targetted program that will be featured on the night.