Parent Seminars
Avoiding and breaking free from tech-enabled addiction

On Monday 23 June, two experts in the psychology of tech-enabled addiction will share strategies with parents around teen behaviours concerning online gambling, social media, and gaming.
Dr Wayne Warburton is a Professor of developmental psychology at Macquarie University. Wayne is also a registered psychologist and has a strong research interest in the fields of aggressive behaviour, media psychology, screen addiction and social disadvantage. He is co-author of the books 'Growing Up Fast and Furious' and 'The Importance of Media Literacy'.
Brad Marshall AKA The Unplugged Psychologist has spent over a decade at the cutting edge of healthy screen use. But don’t be confused by the name, Brad is NOT anti-technology. Brad is an internationally published author, researcher, clinician, and speaker. It’s Brad’s clinical experience that sets him apart in the field of healthy tech use.
This event is targetted at parents of children of any age. It is expected that children would not attend this event.
Book your seat by completing the online form below.