On Thursday 9 September the school celebrated R U OK? Day. A headlining event was an interview with academic, educator, and author Dr Kerry Howells author of a new book Untangling You; How can I be grateful when I feel so resentful? At 12pm parents, teachers, and Year 11 and 12 students were invited to join a webinar where Dr Howells presented on her research findings form 25 years of experience and study. An extended interview was conducted with Dr Matthew Hill, Director of the Barker Institute around the book and what an “attitude of gratitude” might look like in the Barker context. The interview was filled with personal anecdotes from both Dr Howells and Dr Hill reflecting on a journey towards gratitude in their lives. Dr Howells challenged the audience to start the gradual process of gratitude, trying to untangle resentment “one thread at a time” focusing on just one small step with one relationship to lead to noticeable character growth and change.

A recording of this presentation is available to the Barker community https://bit.ly/RUOKDay-KerryHowells-BarkerInstitute.

The book Untangling You; How can I be grateful when I feel so resentful?  can be ordered on Dr Howell’s website, https://kerryhowells.com/. Don’t forget to use the discount code for those in the Barker community available at the end of the video.

Dr Matthew Hill

Dr Matthew Hill is the Director of The Barker Institute with a focus on professional learning, research, and innovation in the school.  He teaches Physics and the new Science Extension course at the School which introduces students to scientific academic research. Matthew's doctorate reflects his passion for science education focussing on Representational Fluency amongst physics students at school and university. He has published in leadership, education, and science journals and been involved in course development and teaching at The University of Sydney and The University of Western Sydney. He has also completed a Graduate Diploma in Divinity at Ridley College in Melbourne.