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Raising Respect with Marshall Ballantine-Jones presentation by Dr Marshall Ballantine-Jones on the topic of RAISING RESPECT.Values...
Academic Buoyancy
...lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. But you can salt the oats to make it thirsty!Values...
Teen Substance Use: Prevention and Harm Reduction in the Formative Years
...Experts talked about the current statistics and key influences of teen substance abuseValues...
Barker Online Learning - The interconnection of learning and wellbeing
...What informs Barker's strategies surrounding online learning?Values...
Introducing Peachy - The Barker Junior School Therapy Dog
...A webinar to better understand the role of Peachy: The Junior School Therapy DogValues...
When you see your educational research put to good use
...Understanding transition period in student cultural developmentValues...
Looking back on 2022
...marks the end of the Junior School component of the Barker Journey study.Values...
A New Year. New Possibilities. New Artificial Intelligence.
... enjoyed meeting new students and am enormously impressed by their capacity to manage the changes in their lives. Feeling the School’s life return after a break is one of the many delights of my role.Values...
Reflections from an editor
...ities of, colleagues.Values...
Good Arguments with Bo Seo
...World champion School and University debater who has recently published a book, Good Arguments, that threads together his personal narrative in debating with insightful ideas about how to argue well.Values...
If There is Hope it Lies in the Humanities
...ydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece: Students must learn how to get things wrong.Values...
Responsible Learners
...rker we are grateful for the feedback of parents from last year's parent survey. The Learning Team is taking note of the areas for improvement and will thoughtfully address these topics over the Term.Values...
Defining "Character"
...pleasure and to avoid physical pain, anxiety or disturbance (Konstan, 2005). However, a deeper view of humanness has been explored throughout history with a much more positive view of human character.Values...
Sleep Studies with special guest Lisa Maltman
...obtain better health, resilience, and performance outcomes.Values...
Cybersafe Learning Webinar - Junior School
...Information & strategies for managing kids in the online worldValues...
Memorable Moments for Year 6
...What is most memorable for Year 6 as they come towards an end of their Barker Junior School Journey?Values...
Journal Launch - Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal (2023)
... week we are proud to launch the 2023 edition of the Barker Institute Journal, Learning in Practice. The full journal and individual articles are now available online on the Barker Institute website .Values...
The Barker Journey - Year 8, 2024: What to expect?
...rnal for the past six years has been the article providing an update on the Barker Journey, our ongoing, decade-long longitudinal study about student perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling.Values...
Science Research Conference 2025
...allenges students to move beyond learning about Science, and instead, to become Scientists. This is most clearly on display as part of Barker’s unique approach to the Year 12 Science Extension course.Values...
"The Great Cause" - with Phillip Heath AM
...ucational landscape - "The Great Cause" - with Phillip Heath AM.Values...
"Schools' research hubs put insights into action"
...The Barker Institute featured in the Australian Financial ReviewValues...
Book Review - “10 Things Schools Get Wrong: And how we can get them right”
...“10 Things Schools Get Wrong: And how we can get them right” by Dr Jared Cooney Horvath & David BottValues...
For the Love of Research
For educators, this pause in the school year offers more than just a break—it is a chance to reconnect with the deeper currents of thought that sometimes get lost in the relentless pace of the term.Values...
Year 12 Science Extension Public Lectures One & Two
...An annual lecture to look at the History and Philosophy of ScienceValues...
Principal leadership in a time of change
...What do schools look for in a Principal?Values...
The results are in for the Barker Journey 2022 - Year 6
...Two big weeks of data collection for the Barker Journey projectValues...
The Dignity of our Limits - Public Lecture
... Deaconess Fellow in 2021.Values...
Table of Contents - Learning in Practice - Volume 7 Number 1 (2023)
... week we are proud to launch the 2023 edition of the Barker Institute Journal, Learning in Practice. The full journal and individual articles are now available online on the Barker Institute website .Values...
Improving Student Writing
... Hunter, Founder of The Writer’s Toolbox.Values...
Untangling You & Gratitude - Dr Kerry Howells
...How to improve mental health with an "attitude of gratitude"Values...
Can you draw?
...lf-imposed limitations that prevent practice and success!Values...
What is school-based educational research?
...s of students, teachers, and school communities at the heart of academic inquiry. More importantly, perhaps, are the questions: what makes it unique, and how can it impact education on a global scale?Values...
A tour through the changing teen brain
...A tour through the changing teen brain - Dr Jared Cooney HorvathValues...
The Geography of Thought - Book review
...Understanding the evolution of philosophies through the worldviews of geographical regionsValues...
Heal Country: A First Nations Perspective
...An evening to embrace First Nation's cultural knowledge around a campfireValues...
The Lift Project: A year-long, evidence-based wellbeing project for the whole Barker community Dr Darren Morten of Avondale University and The Lift Project shared with an eager group of parents how with practice and the right strategies anyone, at any age, can Lift their mood and their life.Values...
Barker Institute Events for Semester 1, 2023
...h the community launch of the Lift@Barker project. Parents, students, teachers, and the wider community are warmly welcomed to our events. More events for Term 2 and Semester 2 will be announced soon.Values...
Progressive Reporting - Years 7-9 Parent Webinar
...An introduction to Barker's Progressive Reporting strategyValues...
Where are the Big Thinkers in School Leadership Heading?
...A discussion of educational leadership during a crisisValues...
Barker Year 7 Study Skills webinar
...Parents and Students learning how best to study in Year 7Values...
Ag After Dark – The business journey of Vegepod
...An event to hear about the business and science of VegepodsValues...
Scientific Research in Schools
...Celebrating student Scientific researchValues...
Families in the Digital Age - Every Parent's Guide
...Toni Hassan discussed her new book "Families in the Digital Age: Every Parent's Guide"Values...
Meet the Film Director & Screening of the film - '2040'
...The Director of the film '2040', Damon Gameau, talked with the Barker community after a screening.Values...
The Science of Climate
...The Science of Climate with expert meteorologist Richard WhitakerValues...
Ready to Blend with Heather Staker
...Learning from the guru of K-12 blended learning, Heather StakerValues...
Anthony Wicht - Technology and Diplomacy
...ow satellites are at the heart of new realms of technology and of international diplomacyValues...
The Barker Junior School Journey: Reporting on Years 3-6 from 2019-2022
... year. The subjects of the study are a group of students who celebrated the conclusion of their primary schooling in 2022. Detailed results reporting on the first four years have recently been shared.Values...
International Human Rights Under Pressure - What can Barker do?
...t for 2023.Values...
Yr 12 Science Extension Public Lectures One & Two
...Public lectures on the history and philosophy of ScienceValues...
What Is Translanguaging, and Why Does It Matter?
...particularly through the lens of ongoing research at the Barker Institute and its application at Marri Mittigar, Barker’s special assistance school for children and young people of refugee experience.Values...
"Barker.Institute" - A new repository of education thinking and research
...ectual resources of the school to facilitate learning and growth in the school and beyond. This new website allows for education research and good thinking from Barker to be accessed around the world.Values...
What Is Flourishing in Education?
...he holistic development of students, integrating intellectual, emotional, social, and moral dimensions. But how can schools define and measure flourishing among their students, and why does it matter?Values...
Habits of Success
...Habits of Success: How do we help ourselves and others to form sustainable good habits?Values...
Behind the Scenes of Learning in Practice: Celebrating Excellence Through Collaboration
...itioners to help facilitate their thinking, practice, or projects. Collaborating with colleagues as they seek to deepen their understanding of their craft is a valuable professional learning exercise.Values...
Twilight Lecture - Concussion in Sport : Dr Corey Cunningham
...ctor described the reality of concussion prevalence, testing and management in a sports contextValues...
Publication of the 6th Edition of Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal
...pastoral care and wellbeing leaders, or school leaders. Learning in Practice is a published conversation in which reflections on practice take place, and professional learning and development benefit.Values...
Special Guest Anthony Wicht at NASA tour reunion breakfast
...Anthony Wicht inspired Barker NASA students to think about space policy.Values...
Barker Institute Events, Term 2, 2023
.... Five Barker Institute events were held in Term 2, 2023.Values...
Effective Character Education
...ntioned, resourced, researched opportunities and programs targeting Values, it involves a journey of becoming, where students learn to make wise moral decisions, think critically, live in harmony with others and be successful in challenges of life....
Event: Year 7 Study Habits 2024
...s from an interactive workshop to help Year 7 students and their parents develop good study habitsValues...
Character Education
...ntinues to change as schools ask questions about how they may educate their students to ‘learn to know the good, love the good and do the good’ (The Jubilee Centre for Character & Virtue, 2022, p. 6).Values...
Guided Inquiry Learning with Dr Leslie Maniotes
...Dr Maniotes shared her doctoral research into connecting student experiences to new conceptsValues...
AI in education - professional learning collaboration
... efficiency.Values...
Term 3... and that’s a wrap!
...(Or four highlights from a very active term)Values...
Warwick Holmes - The Rosetta Mission
...Enthralling Community Forum presentation by Warwick Holmes - The Rosetta Mission.Values...
Learning Caskets - Staff professional learning and sharing
...One of the Learning Caskets inspires Barker Teaching staff to stop, think and reflect on readingValues...
Learning Forum - Goals, GRIT and Passion in the Senior School Years
...An examination of the key areas of GRITValues...
"Having an Academic Conversation with your child"
...The Importance of Learning Conversations with your ChildValues...
The Childhood Musician - An insight into learning music from the youngest age.
...Professor Gary McPherson - Ormond Chair & Director of the Melbourne Conservatorium.Values...
Parent Hope Project – the Confident Parent Course begins….!
...Supporting parents to be the best resource for their childrenValues...
ChatGPT. Reflections as a teacher. Thoughts as a researcher. the classroom. It changed the classroom. Past tense. And this change can be embraced.Values...
Phillip Heath in Conversation with Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM
...A conversation with Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM, leading actor, politician and activistValues...
The Importance of success and value in career development for Women
...ent Professionals Australia NSW, Annalisa HaskellValues...
Growth Mindset and the right kind of praise and feedback
...Growing your mindset with Dan HaeslerValues...
We need to have the conversation about depression!
...Craig Hamilton spoke about raising the awareness of Mental HealthValues...
Teachers as Researchers and Leaders – Using evidence to inform and influence practice in education
...The Research Lead Downunder – Changing roles in EducationValues...
Rethinking the Education of Multilingual Learners, ISBN: 9781800413573Values...
Journal Launch – Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute (2024) are now available online.Values...
Neuroscience and Music Education Forum
...Dr Anita Collins presented on how playing an instrument benefits your brain.Values...
Institute Opening: Dr Bartek Rajkowski's Address
...g, the official Barker Institute opening was a stunning success on the 5th of FebruaryValues...
Top 10 Tips for Motivation and Success
... Brad Merrick, the Director of the Barker Institute presented an informative and enthusiastic forumValues...
Growing our mindset: preparing learners for the future
...the right answer at the right timeValues...
Passive students or enquiring young minds? Shifting the mindset from learning to inquiry
...A discussion of the NSW government’s 'Great Teaching, Inspired Learning – A Blueprint for Action'Values...
Unleashing Potential
...he new academic year, ready to unlock their hidden potential. This atmosphere of palpable enthusiasm and good cheer is contagious; we are all clearly staring down a year of reaching our personal best.Values...
Research for Learning Community – Research Forum
...A brief introduction to the Barker Research for Learning CommunityValues...
AARE Conference 2022 – Transforming the Future of Education: The Role of Research
...rst four years of the Barker Journey. I had the opportunity to attend sessions on all four days of the conference on topics related to our Research Agenda before our own presentation on the final day.Values...
Character and Its Importance by which we tend to define ourselves.Values...
Studying with your New Best Friend - the Chatbot!
...s could have on the teaching, learning and academic outcomes of students. Barker College is monitoring these developments with great interest to ensure positive educational outcomes for our community.Values...
Agriculture After Dark, Twilight Series with Saxon Wright
...Coffee tasting at Agriculture After Dark - Paddock to Cup of CoffeeValues...
Truth Telling: Stories from the Kinchela Boys Home
...he stolen generation.Values...
AI in Education: Transformation or Transformation of Form?
...d has about the real extent to which we have been witnessing a fundamental shift in the way knowledge is created and understood. Or are we merely dressing up time-tested practices in new digital garb?Values...
Year 7 Study Habits
...An interactive workshop to help Year 7 students and their parents develop good study habitsValues...
Learning for Friendship
...Learning about the common language of friendship - a commitment to creating a culture of kindness.Values...
In Pursuit of Excellence: The Diverse Faces of Giftedness at Barker
...ness across multiple domains.Values...
Fostering and supporting refugee education – the first part of the story.
...ransformative changes.Values...
WATS (Writing Across the School) - Focus on Learning
...Presenters shared strategies for students to improve their own writingValues...
News from Dhupuma Barker
...4, from the School on County in North East Arnhem land. Launch of a student YouTube channel.Values...
Year 10 Engagement and Discovery Day - 2025
... their stories, Values, and everyday challenges....
The launch of the Parent Institute - 24 February 2025
...k that they have been entrusted with.Values...
Reflections on Pop-In Week – a Participant’s Perspective
...u would see students scribbling away in silence, or maybe they would be in group discussion. Perhaps you would see them solving algebraic equations, or maybe they would be lighting up a Bunsen burner.Values...
Generation Alpha: Supporting Their Development at School and at Home
...on by 2029. But beyond their size and economic power, what defines them? And more importantly, how can we, as educators and parents, support their development in a way that equips them for the future?Values...
The Transformative Power of Teacher-Researchers in Education
...s a result, I’m finding myself contemplating how, in an increasingly interconnected world, education must navigate complexity, addressing challenges that extend beyond classrooms and national borders.Values...
Confidence is Key! A Celebration of Mathematics at Barker
...Celebrating maths with mini challenges and puzzles over dinner!Values...
AI in schools: Staff professional development Term 3
... stay, how can AI be used to enhance thinking and learning in an educational context?Values...
Online Learning Reflections – A video podcast
...rough the Barker online learning journey from the perspectives of our digital learning leaders.Values...
Educating for Humanity & The Holistic Principle – Dr Neil Tucker
...Holistic learning & Holistic educationValues...
Talking research over tea.
... quick reflections on this event.Values...
Darkinjung Barker and our connection
...elopment of a quality education in a happy and safe environment built on the Values of commitment, compassion, courage, integrity and respect. I see growth every day. Growth cannot always be measured with graphs, data and statistics. Social, emotional, cultural and general wellbeing...
The Barker Journey - Year 8, 2024 Looking to Flourish in an Evolving Educational Landscape learning environment, Values, and evolving educational experiences. Findings reveal that (1) students see kindness, respect, and inclusivity as foundational ...
Do a group of teachers believe that the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile attributes have influenced the development of international mindedness in their school?
...planned and purposeful professional learning, connected to our strategic plan and the IB Programme Standards and Practices have much value, and this vision will be implemented on our forward journey. Values...
A short course in Philosophy & Rhetoric: Developing a framework for thinking, speaking and acting in a complex world
...ophical thinking is a crucial skill if students are to understand themselves and their place in the world. A Barker College education trains students to think, speak and act in ways true to their own Values and in a way that engages those around them. Since 2016 all Year 9 students have experienced a short course entitled ‘Philosophy & Rhetoric’ built around persuasion which has sought to develop st...
The Barker Journey: Lessons from cohort 1
...lsewhere. It discusses the results of the study and also outlines the parameters of the next phase of research, whereby the study is recommencing in 2019 within the School’s new coeducational context.Values...
History as Argument
...ese activities is to ensure an argument becomes the foundation of students’ written work. However, learning to make reasoned arguments also has intrinsic value as a touchstone of a democratic society.Values...
The Barker Journey - Year 6 2022 - Community and Belonging
...hips, that students value kindness as foundational to other traits and can articulate what it looks like in practice, and that students perceive meaningful learning to be about identity and belonging.Values...
The Barker Junior School Journey: Report on Year 3-6 from 2019-2022
... annually published articles that focus on student perspectives year-by-year. It explores the four year development of five topics for investigation described in the methodology of the 2019 article – Values, relationships, resilience, coeducation, and aspirations – and conveys its findings with an emphasis on the concepts of continuity and change as well as lessons and provocations for educators to cons...
The Barker Journey study amidst COVID-19: Analysis of Year 4 interviews
... School at an institutional level, such as the transition to coeducation. This report examines the 2020 interview responses. It investigates the dominant recurring themes of the study (relationships, Values, coeducation, aspirations and resilience), but also explores the unique challenges of 2020 that have arisen out of the COVID-19 pandemic....
New Syllabus, New Approach: Preparing Physics students for university studies with a structured approach to the Year 11 course, that they would see the value of the structure and therefore be more prepared for university studies and that teachers’ skills and expertise could be best utilised for the benefit of the students.Values...
A Year in Review: The Barker Institute in 2021
... learning-fromhome experiences of the Year 5 students continued. In addition to this project, other initiatives such as learning as an apprentice, the multi-language classroom experience, and Barker Values were pursued. The research capacity of the Barker Institute was increased through the formation of Barker’s Research for Learning Community (RLC) – a network of research-involved staff collectively e...
The untended garden: Reflections on designing and implementing a teaching and learning framework within a coeducational, international school context
... of a quality teaching and learning framework in a coeducational, international school context collaborative leadership that works towards authentically delivering on the school’s mission, vision and Values is crucial. By extension, then, such an approach to the development of a quality teaching and learning framework should also be at the core of what is done within any school....
... On Wednesday last week, Year 10 students visited one of 28 Partner Organisations—local charities, social enterprises, and not-for-profits—and spent a day learning about their stories, Values, and everyday challenges.
Mark Lovell
Flagship Project
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Indigenous Education
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Intercultural Education
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The Barker Journey Study
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Character and Enterprise
... outworking of its commitment to the Christian faith, to investigate further how schools can best position themselves to provide learning opportunities for students to acquire and strengthen virtues, Values and the competencies that will help them make wise choices for a well-rounded life and a thriving society.
Humanitarian Education
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Inclusive Education
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Robotics and AI
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Blocks demo
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Our People (old)
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Our People
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ourpeople detail
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...cessing any content on our website, you can contact us for assistance.
Internal Demo
... On Wednesday last week, Year 10 students visited one of 28 Partner Organisations—local charities, social enterprises, and not-for-profits—and spent a day learning about their stories, Values, and everyday challenges.
Mark Lovell
Research Demo
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The Barker Institute Journal
... This study, part six of the ongoing Barker Journey longitudinal project, explores the perspectives of the Barker Journey cohort, now in Year 8, on their learning environment, Values, and evolving …
Dr Timothy Scott, Dr Matthew Hill, Ms Susan Layton
Scientific Research in Schools
Student Research: History
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Literature Journal: Noteworthy
Article Detail
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Parent Institute
...nstrated the problem of parents outsourcing their decision making to ever-changing recommendations. Her consistent message was that parents best serve their children when they are attune to their own Values – that as they become responsible for their own lives they support children to develop responsibility, independence and maturity of their own.
... On Wednesday last week, Year 10 students visited one of 28 Partner Organisations—local charities, social enterprises, and not-for-profits—and spent a day learning about their stories, Values, and everyday challenges.
Mark Lovell
... This study, part six of the ongoing Barker Journey longitudinal project, explores the perspectives of the Barker Journey cohort, now in Year 8, on their learning environment, Values, and evolving …
Dr Timothy Scott, Dr Matthew Hill, Ms Susan Layton
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Events old
Articles old
... On Wednesday last week, Year 10 students visited one of 28 Partner Organisations—local charities, social enterprises, and not-for-profits—and spent a day learning about their stories, Values, and everyday challenges.
Mark Lovell
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