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Susanna Matters

Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Kindergarten to Year-8

Susanna Matters

Susanna Matters is the Gifted and Talented Coordinator at Barker College working across Kindergarten to Year 8. In 2015, Susanna received the New South Wales Teachers’ Guild Certificate of Excellence for Early Career Teachers. In 2017, she was awarded with excellence a Master in Gifted Education from the University of NSW and named the Australian College of Educators NSW Young Professional of the Year. In 2020, Susanna completed a Professional Certificate of Educational Neuroscience from the University of Melbourne. She is passionate about shaping a whole-school culture and language around gifted education which helps individual learners feel understood and celebrated.

Explore Resources by Susanna Matters

The impact of Intergenerational trauma on Indigenous Australians’ experiences of education today.

Education has the potential to be a powerful protective factor for young people as it is a social determinant of wellbeing. In prioritising Indigenous Education, the Barker Community seeks to provide culturally-responsive practice which acknowledges the impact of intergenerational trauma.

An overview of Giftedness: Transforming potential through responsive teaching

Within the Barker Community, giftedness is identified and supported as students progress through their schooling. This article will provide an overview of key concepts in the field of gifted education which are put into practice at Barker. In doing so, it presents an opportunity to clarify a common misconception about …