Core Researchers

Dr Matthew Hill
Director of the Barker Institute
Dr Matthew Hill is the Director of The Barker Institute with a focus on learning, research, and innovation in the school.
He teaches Physics and the new Science Extension course at the School which introduces students to scientific academic research. Matthew’s doctorate reflects his passion for science education focussing on Representational Fluency amongst physics students at school and university. He has published in leadership, education, and science journals and been involved in course development and teaching at The University of Sydney and The University of Western Sydney. He has also completed a Graduate Diploma in Divinity at Ridley College in Melbourne.
Current Research Interests
- The nature of close-to-practice education research
- Pedagogy of science academic research (Science Extension)
- Student experience
- Character education
Recent Articles and Presentations
- Hill, M., (2023) Year 7 Study Habits, Seminar.
- Hill, M., Scott, T. (2023) The Barker Junior School Journey – Celebrating four years of research into the Barker Junior School difference, Research Presentation
- Hill, M., (2022) 'Repositioning teachers as expert participants', ACEL New Voice Perspectives, p12.
- Scott, T. and Hill, M. (2022) ‘The Barker Journey - Year 6 2022: Community and Belonging’, Learning in Practice, 6(1).
- Hill, M. and Scott, T. (2022) ‘The Barker Junior School Journey: Report on Year 3-6 from 2019-2022’, Learning in Practice, 6(1).

Dr Timothy Scott
Research Fellow
Dr Timothy Scott is a principal researcher at the Barker Institute, drawing on over 20 years of experience in the classroom and in various school leadership roles in Australia and overseas.
Timothy Scott is an experienced history and modern languages teacher, having taught and held various leadership roles in schools in Australia and abroad for the past 23 years. His PhD investigated socio-political influences on contemporary German conceptions of history and archaeology. Tim currently teaches History and Global Studies at Barker College. He is also a principal researcher at the Barker Institute, Barker's school-based educational research centre. Tim’s research interests include intercultural and interlingual learning and teaching, the impact of artificial intelligence on education, and the role of student voice in improving educational practice. He believes embedding research informed practice has become increasingly important and is the mark of contemporary schools, empowering their teachers as experts and enabling their learners to thrive. Tim helps to lead the Educational Collaborative for International Schools' (ECIS) Special Interest Group for research-informed schools. He is also one of the lead researchers for the Barker Institute’s longitudinal study, the Barker Journey, and is the current Lead Editor for the Barker Institute's journal Learning in Practice.
Current Research Interests
- Intercultural Education
- Refugee Education
- Role of student voice in improving educational practice
Recent Articles and Presentations
- Scott, T. (2023) Valuing their voices: what students are saying about learning in a school’s longitudinal study. Research Presentation. Educational Collaborative for International Schools Leadership Conference. Düsseldorf.
- Hill, M., Scott, T. (2023) The Barker Junior School Journey – Celebrating four years of research into the Barker Junior School difference, Research Presentation
- Scott, T. and Hill, M. (2022) ‘The Barker Journey - Year 6 2022: Community and Belonging’, Learning in Practice, 6(1).
- Scott, T (2022) 'Review of Friedrich, Matthias and James M. Harland (eds), Interrogating the ‘Germanic’: A Category and its Use in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages' Journal of the Australasian Early Medieval Association 18, pp.226-229.
- Hill, M. and Scott, T. (2022) ‘The Barker Junior School Journey: Report on Year 3-6 from 2019-2022’, Learning in Practice, 6(1).
- Scott, T. and Hill, M. (2021) 'The Barker Journey – Year 5 2021: The experiences of ‘digital natives’ in a digital classroom' Learning in Practice 5(1)
- Scott, T. (2020) 'My two blankets: Considering the importance of using home languages in today’s classroom in support of student learning and wellbeing' Learning in Practice 4(1)

Mrs Susan Layton
Research Administration Assistant
After completing a double degree in Arts and Business from Deakin University, Susan studied Mandarin in Taiwan under a graduate scholarship awarded by the Australian Vice Chancellors Committee.
She has worked for Government and private business in Asia, the UK and Australia. Susan is excited about the opportunity to approach current and future issues facing education from a research perspective.
Research-Engaged Staff

Mr Peter Gibson
Dean of Character Education
Previously, Head of Senior School (Deputy Principal) at Shellharbour Anglican College and Head of Boarding at Trinity Grammar School, he is a highly experienced educational leader. Peter has led school communities in the development of academic performance built on a Growth Mindset approach to learning. He has been successful in leading the development of the pastoral care programs and has extensive breadth of experience and expertise in co-curricular activities. In his current role, he is leading an exciting innovation in developing the concept of Character and Enterprise Education as well as the implementation of Round Square K-12.
Current Research Interests
- Character Education
- Christian Leadership
- Holistic Education
- Entrepreneurship
Recent Articles and Presentations