Parent Seminars
Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Education - with Tanya Cavanagh of 'Not Even Once'

'Not Even Once' provides age-appropriate drug and alcohol education to hundreds of schools around Australia. Their workshops are evidence-based and mapped to State and National curriculum guidelines.
Throughout 2024, Not Even Once will be running workshops with Barker College students. We are excited to offer an in-person evening session for parents to complement their work with the students. This will inform parents, and enable effective conversations and boundaries for families.
The seminar will include the following key discussion points:
- The Science of teenage brain development
- The true risks of various recreational substances
- Avenues to seek help
- Strategies to start the conversation at home
This workshop is NOT FOR STUDENTS. It is most appropriate for parents of students in Year 4 to Year 12. Parents or teachers of children outside this age range are also warmly welcomed to the event.
RSVP below to secure your seat.