The enlightening talk “Why too many Australian students struggle with reading and what we should do about it: insights from the latest in research on reading and dyslexia that every educator must know”, was both topical and relevant in so many ways. Examining the research and long term issues associated with students who have been diagnosed with dyslexia or other reading difficulties, Dr Rajkowski was able to provide a meaningful story about his life in private practice, the overwhelming evidence in favour of a synthetic phonics approach to the teaching of reading, combined with a number of ‘real life’ stories that contextualised the issues that educators face in this area of learning.

The responses from the captivated audience highlighted the way that the event articulated the purpose of the Barker Institute as a means of contributing to the ongoing education debate, while also acknowledging the value of sharing and discussing these issues across the Barker and broader community. Mr Phillip Heath, Head of Barker articulated how the Barker Institute aligns with the broader vision and mission of the school. A wide array of guests from various educational organisations and universities, combined with educators and members of the Barker community enjoyed this event.

Here is a selection of some of the very positive and clever responses from attendees.

Comments included:-

"Bartek’s presentation was very stimulating and it was good to have thought-provoking information that took us away from the specific nature of our own particular subject area – something essential for all of us, regardless of our academic focus."

"Thank you! What a wonderful evening last night. Bartek’s talk was inspiring and reassuring, especially since much of what he said is what we were taught and brought up with as youngsters and parents!"

"Last night’s Launch of The Barker Institute was a great success across a number of dimensions – not least of which was Dr Rajkowksi’s talk and the embedded learnings of the journey he, and others in the field of speech pathology, have been on in the past decade."

"I must say I was fully loaded with new information by the conclusion and it certainly got the Barker Institute off to a wonderful start!"

"I thoroughly enjoyed Bartek’s enlightening presentation and I was really struck by the Institute’s objectives – I think your focus on “hope” is a very inspiring one."

"An entertaining, enlightening and educationally rewarding evening. The #barkerinstitute is ‘officially’ open."

"Sharing of knowledge – collaboration & connections with larger community #barkerinstitute"

Dr Brad Merrick


Dr Brad Merrick

Brad Merrick is the immediate past Director of the Barker Institute & Director of Research in Learning at Barker. He has a keen interest in emerging technologies, professional learning and creative pedagogy. His doctorate investigated the relationship between student self-efficacy and self-regulation in creative learning environments. His professional experience in education has also involved casual academic roles at the University of Sydney, University of NSW, UWS and the UQ. He has held the post of President of the Australian Society of Music Education and also sits on the Committee of the International Commission for Music in School Teacher Education. He is now a Senior Lecturer (Music and the Arts Education) at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne.