A very interesting post over the weekend that highlights the increasing focus on research and data in education and the important role it has to play.

It’s good for to to see the Barker Institute being acknowledged amongst other similar initiatives around the country in this article. Enjoy this piece, it’s worth the read. It’s fascinating to see how much research and data is being used to influence decisions and inform change.

The Research Lead Down Under

Dr Brad Merrick

Brad Merrick is the immediate past Director of the Barker Institute & Director of Research in Learning at Barker. He has a keen interest in emerging technologies, professional learning and creative pedagogy. His doctorate investigated the relationship between student self-efficacy and self-regulation in creative learning environments. His professional experience in education has also involved casual academic roles at the University of Sydney, University of NSW, UWS and the UQ. He has held the post of President of the Australian Society of Music Education and also sits on the Committee of the International Commission for Music in School Teacher Education. He is now a Senior Lecturer (Music and the Arts Education) at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne.