Over 200 parents, students, teachers and interested individuals attended virtual lectures on Storytelling in Science Education and the History and Philosophy of Science which were delivered as part of the Science Extension course. Barker is pleased to open its classroom and all were welcome to join in this unique experience. Attendees came from across the state including regional areas such as Albury, Orange, Tamworth and Armidale.

The Barker institute would like to thank Dr Alison Gates for her generous contribution to an appreciative audience from Barker and beyond.

Click for notes from Lecture One - 'Great Moments in Science'  - HERE

Public Lecture 1 - Great moments in Science 2020 - Dr A Gates - Download Pdf HERE

Click for notes from Lecture Two - 'Philosophy of Science: Epistemology and scientific reasoning'  - HERE

Public Lecture 2 - Philosophy of Science 2020 - Dr M Hill - Download Pdf HERE

If you are a Science Extension teacher and have written a trial paper, we would love to exchange the paper we wrote for yours. If you would like to swap, please send the trial paper you have written to Matthew Hill (mhill@barker.nsw.edu.au).

Dr Matthew Hill

Dr Matthew Hill is the Director of The Barker Institute with a focus on professional learning, research, and innovation in the school.  He teaches Physics and the new Science Extension course at the School which introduces students to scientific academic research. Matthew's doctorate reflects his passion for science education focussing on Representational Fluency amongst physics students at school and university. He has published in leadership, education, and science journals and been involved in course development and teaching at The University of Sydney and The University of Western Sydney. He has also completed a Graduate Diploma in Divinity at Ridley College in Melbourne.