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Barker Institute Events for Semester 1, 2023

...h the community launch of the Lift@Barker project. Parents, students, teachers, and the wider community are warmly welcomed to our events. More events for Term 2 and Semester 2 will be announced soon.Indigenous education...

Publication of the 6th Edition of Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal

...pastoral care and wellbeing leaders, or school leaders. Learning in Practice is a published conversation in which reflections on practice take place, and professional learning and development benefit.Indigenous education...

International Human Rights Under Pressure - What can Barker do?

...t for 2023.Indigenous education...

Phillip Heath in Conversation with Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM

...A conversation with Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM, leading actor, politician and activistIndigenous education...

AARE Conference 2022 – Transforming the Future of Education: The Role of Research

...rst four years of the Barker Journey. I had the opportunity to attend sessions on all four days of the conference on topics related to our Research Agenda before our own presentation on the final day.Indigenous education...

Exploring education environments for First Nations students: Wingaru-wa Muru-da and High-Expectation Relationships at Barker College

... in two worlds. This is the first of two complementary articles which discuss models of education for Indigenous students within and outside mainstream school campuses (Glendenning & Mynott 2020).Indigenous education...

Exploring education environments for First Nations students: Learning on Country

... in two worlds. This is the first of two complementary articles which discuss models of education for Indigenous students within and outside mainstream school campuses (Glendenning & Mynott 2020).Indigenous education...


... Indigenous education ...

Indigenous Education

... Genuine and meaningful learning opportunities for non-Indigenous students on curriculum-related Indigenous issues and intercultural understanding are also provided.Barker’s leadership in the area of Indigenous education has provided an opportunity to further investigate what approaches to schooling can best support the educational needs of First Nations students, and what schools can do to equip their teachers to be...

Intercultural Education

...ate mutual respect is an essential part of living with others in the diverse world of the 21st century. An increasingly culturally diverse student population, together with the school’s commitment to Indigenous education, is shaping an educational environment where intercultural learning and understanding can be explicitly valued, and directly and indirectly taught with greater intentionality. ...

Future and Innovation

...vate mutual respect is an essential part of living with others in the diverse world of the 21st century.An increasingly culturally diverse student population, together with the school’s commitment to Indigenous education, is shaping an educational environment where intercultural learning and understanding can be explicitly valued, and directly and indirectly taught with greater intentionality. ...

Humanitarian Education

... Genuine and meaningful learning opportunities for non-Indigenous students on curriculum-related Indigenous issues and intercultural understanding are also provided.Barker’s leadership in the area of Indigenous education has provided an opportunity to further investigate what approaches to schooling can best support the educational needs of First Nations students, and what schools can do to equip their teachers to be...

Inclusive Education

...ate mutual respect is an essential part of living with others in the diverse world of the 21st century. An increasingly culturally diverse student population, together with the school’s commitment to Indigenous education, is shaping an educational environment where intercultural learning and understanding can be explicitly valued, and directly and indirectly taught with greater intentionality. ...

Robotics and AI

...vate mutual respect is an essential part of living with others in the diverse world of the 21st century.An increasingly culturally diverse student population, together with the school’s commitment to Indigenous education, is shaping an educational environment where intercultural learning and understanding can be explicitly valued, and directly and indirectly taught with greater intentionality. ...