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Barker Online Learning - The interconnection of learning and wellbeing
...What informs Barker's strategies surrounding online learning?Future ...
Introducing Peachy - The Barker Junior School Therapy Dog
...A webinar to better understand the role of Peachy: The Junior School Therapy DogFuture ...
If There is Hope it Lies in the Humanities
...ydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece: Students must learn how to get things wrong.Future ...
Memorable Moments for Year 6
...What is most memorable for Year 6 as they come towards an end of their Barker Junior School Journey?Future ...
Journal Launch - Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal (2023)
... week we are proud to launch the 2023 edition of the Barker Institute Journal, Learning in Practice. The full journal and individual articles are now available online on the Barker Institute website .Future ...
Principal leadership in a time of change
...What do schools look for in a Principal?Future ...
Heal Country: A First Nations Perspective
...An evening to embrace First Nation's cultural knowledge around a campfireFuture ...
Barker Institute Events for Semester 1, 2023
...h the community launch of the Lift@Barker project. Parents, students, teachers, and the wider community are warmly welcomed to our events. More events for Term 2 and Semester 2 will be announced soon.Future ...
Families in the Digital Age - Every Parent's Guide
...Toni Hassan discussed her new book "Families in the Digital Age: Every Parent's Guide"Future ...
Meet the Film Director & Screening of the film - '2040'
...The Director of the film '2040', Damon Gameau, talked with the Barker community after a screening.Future ...
Ready to Blend with Heather Staker
...Learning from the guru of K-12 blended learning, Heather StakerFuture ...
What Is Translanguaging, and Why Does It Matter?
...particularly through the lens of ongoing research at the Barker Institute and its application at Marri Mittigar, Barker’s special assistance school for children and young people of refugee experience.Future ...
"Barker.Institute" - A new repository of education thinking and research
...ectual resources of the school to facilitate learning and growth in the school and beyond. This new website allows for education research and good thinking from Barker to be accessed around the world.Future ...
Habits of Success
...Habits of Success: How do we help ourselves and others to form sustainable good habits?Future ...
Publication of the 6th Edition of Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal
...pastoral care and wellbeing leaders, or school leaders. Learning in Practice is a published conversation in which reflections on practice take place, and professional learning and development benefit.Future ...
Effective Character Education
... programs targeting values, it involves a journey of becoming, where students learn to make wise moral decisions, think critically, live in harmony with others and be successful in challenges of life.Future ...
Character Education
...ntinues to change as schools ask questions about how they may educate their students to ‘learn to know the good, love the good and do the good’ (The Jubilee Centre for Character & Virtue, 2022, p. 6).Future ...
Phillip Heath in Conversation with Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM
...A conversation with Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM, leading actor, politician and activistFuture ...
The Importance of success and value in career development for Women
...ent Professionals Australia NSW, Annalisa HaskellFuture ...
Growth Mindset and the right kind of praise and feedback
...Growing your mindset with Dan HaeslerFuture ...
Growing our mindset: preparing learners for the future
...the right answer at the right timeFuture ...
Passive students or enquiring young minds? Shifting the mindset from learning to inquiry
...A discussion of the NSW government’s 'Great Teaching, Inspired Learning – A Blueprint for Action'Future ...
AARE Conference 2022 – Transforming the Future of Education: The Role of Research
...rst four years of the Barker Journey. I had the opportunity to attend sessions on all four days of the conference on topics related to our Research Agenda before our own presentation on the final day.Future ...
Agriculture After Dark, Twilight Series with Saxon Wright
...Coffee tasting at Agriculture After Dark - Paddock to Cup of CoffeeFuture ...
AI in Education: Transformation or Transformation of Form?
...d has about the real extent to which we have been witnessing a fundamental shift in the way knowledge is created and understood. Or are we merely dressing up time-tested practices in new digital garb?Future ...
Generation Alpha: Supporting Their Development at School and at Home
...on by 2029. But beyond their size and economic power, what defines them? And more importantly, how can we, as educators and parents, support their development in a way that equips them for the future?Future ...
The Transformative Power of Teacher-Researchers in Education
...s a result, I’m finding myself contemplating how, in an increasingly interconnected world, education must navigate complexity, addressing challenges that extend beyond classrooms and national borders.Future ...
Confidence is Key! A Celebration of Mathematics at Barker
...Celebrating maths with mini challenges and puzzles over dinner!Future ...
AI in schools: Staff professional development Term 3
... stay, how can AI be used to enhance thinking and learning in an educational context?Future ...
Online Learning Reflections – A video podcast
...rough the Barker online learning journey from the perspectives of our digital learning leaders.Future ...
Talking research over tea.
... quick reflections on this event.Future ...
Concussion Management - The Barker Way
...cess involving students, staff, medical professionals, and family engagement. This paper outlines the Concussion Clinic’s current place in the School whilst sharing some hopes and aspirations for the Future care of students in this arena....
Online learning in a COVID-19 environment: An authentic learning experience?
...outperforming its traditional classroom counterpart. This article considers some of the evidence that shapes student success using eLearning and online learning and what the implications might be for Future educational encounters....
A year in the life of Barker Robotics: Engaging students for a lifetime trial, experience, reflection and strategy learned during their journey in the First Robotics’ Competition and through examining the progressive development of passion, skills and capabilities for Future students. This has resulted in a robotics program that is building momentum throughout all stages of Barker College. This has grown in breadth to include First Lego League, First Tech Challenge, First...
Barker Bunker then and now: the first five years and the next five years
... order to ensure the best possible experience for our students, our programmes also need to continue to evolve. We take a look back to the origins of the Bunker and also take a sneak peek at what the Future holds for this much-loved facility....
Nurturing Cultural Responsiveness: A snapshot of professional learning initiatives improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
...ctives, and cultures into the content being taught. Continuing to nurture Culturally Responsive Pedagogies will be an important part of professional learning initiatives in this field into the future.Future ...
The Barker Journey - Year 6 2022 - Community and Belonging
...hips, that students value kindness as foundational to other traits and can articulate what it looks like in practice, and that students perceive meaningful learning to be about identity and belonging.Future ...
We need to talk: Why Agriculture needs to say more about the global issues it can help alleviate
...e sector to be proactive, upfront and be a significant part of the public conversation around how we alleviate climate change and food insecurity. A key role of agriculture education is to secure the Future workforce to address these issues. Many current secondary students, in particular those of higher academic ability, place significant importance on a career path that includes altruistic or humanitari...
Three comments on a whole school approach to refugee education
...proach to refugee education are summarised under the following headings: (1) Concepts that inform a radical hope (2) Concepts that sustain a radical hope and (3) Classrooms that practice radical hope.Future ...
The Barker Journey – Year 7, 2023 Nurturing Learning Relationships
...they are willing to engage in productive struggle, and that they continue to see learning as relational, partly because they perceive it will help them adapt to change, challenge and prepare them for Future learning. This collectively contributes to the overarching theme for Year 7 in 2023 of seeking and developing nurturing learning relationships....
Flagship Project
AARE Conference 2022 – Transforming the Future of Education: The Role of Research
The Barker Institute was represented at the Australian Association of Research in Education (AARE) Conference in Adelaide las...
...gThe measurement, structure and trajectories of cognitive and affective dimensions of mathematics interest among Australian grades 7-10 students - PhD awarded to Dr Kester Lee in 2020.A Coeducational Future (2017) Teaching in a Coeducational Classroom (2020) - Mel BradyStudent wellbeing in a coeducational context (2019) - Rowena DudgeonBarker Girls' Rugby Sevens Trial; Breaking Stereotypes (2019) - ...
The Barker Journey Study
AARE Conference 2022 – Transforming the Future of Education: The Role of Research
The Barker Institute was represented at the Australian Association of Research in Education (AARE) Conference in Adelaide las...
Robotics and AI
The aim of these projects will be to provide educational practitioners and leaders with an evidentially-based understanding of issues and topics that will inform the Future of education globally.
Blocks demo
Selected Projects & Writings
A Coeducational Future (2017) Teaching in a Coeducational Classroom (2020) - Mel BradyStudent wellbeing in a coeducational context (2019) - Rowena DudgeonBarker Girls' Rugby Sevens Trial; Breaking Stereotypes (2019) - ...
Our People (old)
She has worked for Government and private business in Asia, the UK and Australia. Susan is excited about the opportunity to approach current and Future issues facing education from a research perspective.
Literature Journal: Noteworthy
Future ...