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When you see your educational research put to good use

...Understanding transition period in student cultural developmentIntercultural education...

The Geography of Thought - Book review

...Understanding the evolution of philosophies through the worldviews of geographical regionsIntercultural education...

Publication of the 6th Edition of Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal

...pastoral care and wellbeing leaders, or school leaders. Learning in Practice is a published conversation in which reflections on practice take place, and professional learning and development benefit.Intercultural education...

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Indigenous Education

... We do not disclose any information to any third parties. Intercultural education...

Intercultural Education

... VIEW ALL PUBLICATIONS Intercultural education News Regular updates on research, publications, and events that impact learning at and beyond Barker. ...

Humanitarian Education

... We do not disclose any information to any third parties. Intercultural education...

Robotics and AI

... We do not disclose any information to any third parties. Intercultural education...

Our People

...ad researchers for the Barker Institute’s longitudinal study, the Barker Journey, and is the current Lead Editor for the Barker Institute's journal Learning in Practice.Current Research InterestsIntercultural educationRefugee EducationRole of student voice in improving educational practiceRecent Articles and PresentationsScott, T. (2023) Valuing their voices: what students are saying about learning in a school’s lo...