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Barker Online Learning - The interconnection of learning and wellbeing
...What informs Barker's strategies surrounding online learning?Teaching and Learning...
Reflections from an editor
...ities of, colleagues.Teaching and Learning...
If There is Hope it Lies in the Humanities
...ydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece: Students must learn how to get things wrong.Teaching and Learning...
Defining "Character"
...pleasure and to avoid physical pain, anxiety or disturbance (Konstan, 2005). However, a deeper view of humanness has been explored throughout history with a much more positive view of human character.Teaching and Learning...
Journal Launch - Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal (2023)
... week we are proud to launch the 2023 edition of the Barker Institute Journal, Learning in Practice. The full journal and individual articles are now available online on the Barker Institute website .Teaching and Learning...
The Barker Journey - Year 8, 2024: What to expect?
...rnal for the past six years has been the article providing an update on the Barker Journey, our ongoing, decade-long longitudinal study about student perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling.Teaching and Learning...
Book Review - “10 Things Schools Get Wrong: And how we can get them right”
...“10 Things Schools Get Wrong: And how we can get them right” by Dr Jared Cooney Horvath & David BottTeaching and Learning...
For the Love of Research
For educators, this pause in the school year offers more than just a break—it is a chance to reconnect with the deeper currents of thought that sometimes get lost in the relentless pace of the term.Teaching and Learning...
Table of Contents - Learning in Practice - Volume 7 Number 1 (2023)
... week we are proud to launch the 2023 edition of the Barker Institute Journal, Learning in Practice. The full journal and individual articles are now available online on the Barker Institute website .Teaching and Learning...
Improving Student Writing
... Hunter, Founder of The Writer’s Toolbox.Teaching and Learning...
Can you draw?
...lf-imposed limitations that prevent practice and success!Teaching and Learning...
What is school-based educational research?
...s of students, teachers, and school communities at the heart of academic inquiry. More importantly, perhaps, are the questions: what makes it unique, and how can it impact education on a global scale?Teaching and Learning...
A tour through the changing teen brain
...A tour through the changing teen brain - Dr Jared Cooney HorvathTeaching and Learning...
The Science of Climate
...The Science of Climate with expert meteorologist Richard WhitakerTeaching and Learning...
Ready to Blend with Heather Staker
...Learning from the guru of K-12 blended learning, Heather StakerTeaching and Learning...
The Barker Junior School Journey: Reporting on Years 3-6 from 2019-2022
... year. The subjects of the study are a group of students who celebrated the conclusion of their primary schooling in 2022. Detailed results reporting on the first four years have recently been shared.Teaching and Learning...
What Is Translanguaging, and Why Does It Matter?
...particularly through the lens of ongoing research at the Barker Institute and its application at Marri Mittigar, Barker’s special assistance school for children and young people of refugee experience.Teaching and Learning...
"Barker.Institute" - A new repository of education thinking and research
...ectual resources of the school to facilitate learning and growth in the school and beyond. This new website allows for education research and good thinking from Barker to be accessed around the world.Teaching and Learning...
Habits of Success
...Habits of Success: How do we help ourselves and others to form sustainable good habits?Teaching and Learning...
Behind the Scenes of Learning in Practice: Celebrating Excellence Through Collaboration
...itioners to help facilitate their thinking, practice, or projects. Collaborating with colleagues as they seek to deepen their understanding of their craft is a valuable professional learning exercise.Teaching and Learning...
Publication of the 6th Edition of Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal
...pastoral care and wellbeing leaders, or school leaders. Learning in Practice is a published conversation in which reflections on practice take place, and professional learning and development benefit.Teaching and Learning...
Effective Character Education
... programs targeting values, it involves a journey of becoming, where students learn to make wise moral decisions, think critically, live in harmony with others and be successful in challenges of life.Teaching and Learning...
Event: Year 7 Study Habits 2024
...s from an interactive workshop to help Year 7 students and their parents develop good study habitsTeaching and Learning...
Character Education
...ntinues to change as schools ask questions about how they may educate their students to ‘learn to know the good, love the good and do the good’ (The Jubilee Centre for Character & Virtue, 2022, p. 6).Teaching and Learning...
Guided Inquiry Learning with Dr Leslie Maniotes
...Dr Maniotes shared her doctoral research into connecting student experiences to new conceptsTeaching and Learning...
AI in education - professional learning collaboration
... efficiency.Teaching and Learning...
Term 3... and that’s a wrap!
...(Or four highlights from a very active term)Teaching and Learning...
Learning Caskets - Staff professional learning and sharing
...One of the Learning Caskets inspires Barker Teaching staff to stop, think and reflect on readingTeaching and Learning...
ChatGPT. Reflections as a teacher. Thoughts as a researcher. the classroom. It changed the classroom. Past tense. And this change can be embraced.Teaching and Learning...
Rethinking the Education of Multilingual Learners, ISBN: 9781800413573Teaching and Learning...
Institute Opening: Dr Bartek Rajkowski's Address
...g, the official Barker Institute opening was a stunning success on the 5th of FebruaryTeaching and Learning...
Passive students or enquiring young minds? Shifting the mindset from learning to inquiry
...A discussion of the NSW government’s 'Great Teaching, Inspired Learning – A Blueprint for Action'Teaching and Learning...
Unleashing Potential
...he new academic year, ready to unlock their hidden potential. This atmosphere of palpable enthusiasm and good cheer is contagious; we are all clearly staring down a year of reaching our personal best.Teaching and Learning...
Studying with your New Best Friend - the Chatbot!
...s could have on the teaching, learning and academic outcomes of students. Barker College is monitoring these developments with great interest to ensure positive educational outcomes for our community.Teaching and Learning...
AI in Education: Transformation or Transformation of Form?
...d has about the real extent to which we have been witnessing a fundamental shift in the way knowledge is created and understood. Or are we merely dressing up time-tested practices in new digital garb?Teaching and Learning...
Learning for Friendship
...Learning about the common language of friendship - a commitment to creating a culture of kindness.Teaching and Learning...
In Pursuit of Excellence: The Diverse Faces of Giftedness at Barker
...ness across multiple domains.Teaching and Learning...
Fostering and supporting refugee education – the first part of the story.
...Engaging in school-based educational research is not merely about observing positive impacts on Teaching and Learning; it's about actively contributing to transformative changes....
WATS (Writing Across the School) - Focus on Learning
...Presenters shared strategies for students to improve their own writingTeaching and Learning...
Reflections on Pop-In Week – a Participant’s Perspective
...u would see students scribbling away in silence, or maybe they would be in group discussion. Perhaps you would see them solving algebraic equations, or maybe they would be lighting up a Bunsen burner.Teaching and Learning...
Generation Alpha: Supporting Their Development at School and at Home
...on by 2029. But beyond their size and economic power, what defines them? And more importantly, how can we, as educators and parents, support their development in a way that equips them for the future?Teaching and Learning...
The Transformative Power of Teacher-Researchers in Education
...s a result, I’m finding myself contemplating how, in an increasingly interconnected world, education must navigate complexity, addressing challenges that extend beyond classrooms and national borders.Teaching and Learning...
AI in schools: Staff professional development Term 3
... stay, how can AI be used to enhance thinking and learning in an educational context?Teaching and Learning...
Online Learning Reflections – A video podcast
...rough the Barker online learning journey from the perspectives of our digital learning leaders.Teaching and Learning...
Educating for Humanity & The Holistic Principle – Dr Neil Tucker
...Holistic learning & Holistic educationTeaching and Learning...
Talking research over tea.
... quick reflections on this event.Teaching and Learning...
Why every school needs a beehive (or three)
...emic disciplines as well as sustainability education. In this article the nature of the Barker apiary is outlined with suggestions of how it has been have implemented it effectively across the school.Teaching and Learning...
Progressive reporting
...ness of teacher comments in a traditional school report. In addition to this, the machinery and processes associated with producing semester reports distracts teaching staff from concentrating on the Teaching and Learning that should be going on in their classes. This article discusses a different way to report, which is more forward looking and disaggregates the ...
Learning to lead through service: Barker Service Partnerships
...wing paper explores the way leadership skills and character are cultivated at Barker through a range of service learning partnerships that are student centred, transformative, long term and linked to Teaching and Learning. The notion of Service Learning (SL) will be explored along with an explanation of the Barker Service Partnerships’ Model and several of the current programs that are available to students....
Introducing the Barker College Teaching and Learning Framework
...the development of the School’s Teaching and Learning Framework. It documents the process of developing a framework from a set of ideas and important School language to a finished document. This article expresses the author’s intentions in developing th...
Change management: The transition to online learning
...e necessary as a response to COVID-19. Barker College began 2020 in an advantageous position, having implemented a Blending Learning approach in the latter half of 2017 and having a clearly developed Teaching and Learning Framework (Barker College 2019). While the burden of guiding the community through this period has fallen on senior leadership, the implementation of their vision is carried primarily by classroom te...
Using blended learning to support the Teaching and Learning Framework
...rnal focused on developing a student centred approach in using technology in the classroom (Stewart et al. 2017). As the article was written prior to the development and implementation of the current Teaching and Learning Framework at Barker, an update is required. In the same way, blended learning has been used to support other key strategic initiatives at Barker College from guided inquiry (Longney and Mifsud 2018) ...
Quality Assurance through Teaching Standards: The Path to National Teacher Accreditation
...ocedures for teacher education. Many countries have already accredited their teacher education programs to ensure better teachers and higher quality instruction in classrooms (Ingvarson et al, 2006). Teaching and Learning...
Developing and Implementing a Philosophy for Service Learning at Barker
...ram to foster academic success and develop well rounded young people who are active citizens, serving the wider community with respect, integrity and courage and compassion. Connected to the school’s Teaching and Learning framework, students engage in service learning experiences that is based on three concepts: Respect, Relationship and Return. ...
Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal, Volume 2, 2018
...ty teaching, motivation and engagement, breadth of learning opportunities, research and collaboration are some of the key aspects of the journey for all of our students accompanied by their teachers. Teaching and Learning...
The College of Teachers: Coaching within a TLC Context
...s. Making coaching skills an essential part of a teacher’s repertoire helps build this culture because it promotes not only collegiality but it also develops robust learning in the pursuit of quality Teaching and Learning....
Do a group of teachers believe that the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile attributes have influenced the development of international mindedness in their school?
...ness, and have facilitated its development in students in a number of ways. Recommendations include ongoing training and collaboration to foster deeper connections to international mindedness through Teaching and Learning and engagements with local, national and international experiences. The quality of well-planned and purposeful professional learning, connected to our strategic plan and the IB Programme Standards an...
Online learning in a COVID-19 environment: An authentic learning experience?
...classroom counterpart. This article considers some of the evidence that shapes student success using eLearning and online learning and what the implications might be for future educational encounters.Teaching and Learning...
Unchartered Waters: A whole school personal interest project during a pandemic
...tances would be difficult, due to the confines of school and curriculum structures. This article captures the process, result and recommendations of the ‘Unchartered Waters’ personal interest project.Teaching and Learning...
A Year in Review - The Barker Institute in 2018
...seeing this initiative as he is moving to the University of Melbourne as a Senior Lecturer in Music Performance Teaching in 2019. Dr Matthew Hill will be responsible for the Barker Institute in 2019. Teaching and Learning...
Teaching in a Coeducational Classroom should challenge gender stereotypes, not reinforce them by insisting that boys and girls are not capable of learning together. Doing so woefully underestimates the capabilities of our young people.Teaching and Learning...
Shaping Blended Learning at Barker made the shift from a teacher-centred to a student-centred approach. Strengthening this shift is the development of Web 2.0 technologies that for the first time are able to facilitate 21st century Teaching and Learning practices. Blended learning provides an environment that fosters the requirements of a student-centred education, allowing schools to draw on the best features of both online and face-to-face (F2F) l...
A blended learning approach to formative assessment
...Blended learning at Barker aims to support and strengthen existing and emerging Teaching and Learning strategies across the school. This paper explores the way one such strategy, formative assessment, has been strengthened using Canvas and blended learning approaches by examining one way it is being ...
Learning in Practice: The Barker Institute Journal, Volume 1, 2017
...engagement, breadth of learning opportunities, the development of the whole student and collaboration are some of the key aspects of the journey for all of our students, accompanied by their teachers.Teaching and Learning...
The embodied pedagogy: Preliminary personal reflection of incorporating the Alexander Technique in string teaching
...tors and reported by parents. It is proposed that purpose-designed Alexander Technique classes have the potential to empower both teachers and students in making constructive and practical choices in Teaching and Learning scenarios....
Nurturing Cultural Responsiveness: A snapshot of professional learning initiatives improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
...ctives, and cultures into the content being taught. Continuing to nurture Culturally Responsive Pedagogies will be an important part of professional learning initiatives in this field into the future.Teaching and Learning...
The Garma Experience - Connecting to Community and Country
...In particular, it focuses on the how listening to, amplifying and acting on student voice in the context of responses to Garma can set the foundation for a student-informed approach to Reconciliation.Teaching and Learning...
The Barker Journey - Year 6 2022 - Community and Belonging
...hips, that students value kindness as foundational to other traits and can articulate what it looks like in practice, and that students perceive meaningful learning to be about identity and belonging.Teaching and Learning...
The Barker Junior School Journey: Report on Year 3-6 from 2019-2022
...ationships, resilience, coeducation, and aspirations – and conveys its findings with an emphasis on the concepts of continuity and change as well as lessons and provocations for educators to consider.Teaching and Learning...
Collaborative teaching to prepare Year 11 Physics students for university lessons from the second iteration
...tructures approach to classes and homework. In addition, the students profited from staff time being freed up for more personal counselling, support and tutoring as they progressed through the course.Teaching and Learning...
An overview of Giftedness: Transforming potential through responsive teaching
...gful, individualised learning. At Barker, gifted education takes a holistic approach with a focus on differentiated practice and harnessing student strengths to enable fulfilling learning experiences.Teaching and Learning...
The untended garden: Reflections on designing and implementing a teaching and learning framework within a coeducational, international school context
...The focus of this paper is to reflect on the development of a quality Teaching and Learning framework within a coeducational, international school context. Using an international school based in Germany, and its partnerships with other German national schools, this paper will posit that for...
Flagship Project
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Teaching and Learning...
How does coeducation meet the educational needs of the current student generation?What impact has the transition from a single-sex to a coeducational environment had on Teaching and Learning?How does our knowledge of teaching boys and girls best help us teach well in any classroom?
Indigenous Education
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Teaching and Learning...
Intercultural Education
...idering the importance of using home languages in today’s classroom in support of student learning and wellbeing (2020) – Timothy ScottThe untended garden: Reflections on designing and implementing a Teaching and Learning framework within a coeducational, international school context (2019) – Timothy ScottRader, D 2015, ...
The Barker Journey Study
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Teaching and Learning...
Character and Enterprise foster the ability to fulfill social and community responsibilities as global citizens.
This has profound implications for schools and the Teaching and Learning that takes place within them. Research has shown that students’ capabilities beyond the academic learning of knowledge and skills are important predictors of achievement.
Humanitarian Education
...and supporting refugee education – the first part of the story.
Engaging in school-based educational research is not merely about observing positive impacts on Teaching and Learning; it's about actively contributing to transformative changes.
Dr Timot...
Blocks demo
What impact has the transition from a single-sex to a co-educational environment had on Teaching and Learning? How does coeducation meet the educational needs of the current student generation? How does our knowledge of teaching boys and girls best help us teach well in any classroom?
Our People (old)
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Teaching and Learning...
...ons involve, but also extend far beyond, the Barker Community. The Barker Institute also provides opportunities for members of the Barker community to contribute to a wider and ongoing dialogue about Teaching and Learning to drive education forward. It is a learning hub that enables professional learning and support for staff who are seeking to be better teachers, particularly where professional learning involves rese...